At Hook Norton CE Primary School we offer a broad and rich curriculum that incorporates the statutory elements that maintained schools must include within an exciting and stimulating framework that supports children to LEARN while keeping the needs of the whole child; educationally, socially morally physically spiritually, at its core. Through our curriculum we develop learners who can THINK for themselves and reflect on their learning. They are supported to work independently, following their own lines of enquiry, but also work as part of a team. They are taught to CARE for each other, to manage themselves and their resources and look after their surroundings. Our pupils are supported to LIVE in harmony within an inclusive community where each child is valued as an individual within a culture of equality and aspiration, where disadvantage is removed and doors are opened to future success. We foster a LOVE of learning through which our pupils are encouraged to believe in themselves, to be resilient and independent, develop a growth mindset and become innovative, creative, strategic-thinking individuals who DARE to venture beyond their comfort zones.
At Hook Norton CE Primary School we follow the statutory National Curriculum Programmes of Study in Key Stage One and Two, and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for Nursery and Reception. We follow the Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education across the school.
The National Curriculum Programmes of Study set out the teaching objectives that maintained schools are required to teach in the subjects of Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music, Physical Education, Computing, Ancient and Modern Foreign Languages (Key Stage Two only). We also teach Personal, Social and Health education (PSHE) and Citizenship.
Our curriculum is taught through a careful progression of knowledge and skills from Foundation to Year Six, setting foundations for learning and building on what has already been taught through a wide-ranging academic, technical, creative, and sporting programme. It aims to foster curiosity, creativity, a love of learning and to equip pupils with the resources to facilitate lifelong learning.
The delivery of our curriculum at Hook Norton CEP School is based on the principle of our children being deeply involved in their learning through the use of an inquisitive approach. Our topic headings are questions that introduce the topic, we break these questions down into subsidiary questions or steps, which we then set out to answer.
Our curriculum is carefully mapped out within each year group or mixed age group, so that all statutory objectives are covered. Subjects are taught on a cross-curricular basis within the Big Questions, with engagement and enrichment opportunities woven in at every opportunity, and core subjects taught both discretely and across subjects. Links between subjects, ideas, themes and topics are highlighted at every opportunity to give our learners the best opportunity to consolidate what they know.
Pupils are encouraged to see themselves as members of a worldwide community and reflect on, and contribute to, local and global issues. Through our Big Questions they reflect on social, moral, cultural and spiritual aspects of themselves. Their learning is extended beyond the classroom through experiences such as trips, residentials, visits, community events, after school clubs, visitors, school council, eco committee, young Christian leadership.
The effectiveness of our curriculum is measured in a variety of ways. We follow the government requirements in administering statutory tests and assessments:
Pupils are continuously assessed through ongoing teacher assessment in all areas against the objectives of the National Curriculum, the Diocesan scheme of work in Religious Education, and personal, social and health education objectives. These assessments are reported to parents through parent consultations and an end-of-year report. Pupils are taught to evaluate their own work and to support their peers in self-evaluation through the use of “talking partners”.
Through ongoing assessments the curriculum is continuously updated to ensure its relevance in the light of new research and developments, taking into account the context and interests of our pupils. Pupil voice is encouraged and used to guide the direction that topics take. Community, national and international events, issues, celebrations and occasions are incorporated into our curriculum.