
Hook Norton C of E

Primary School

Live Love Care Think Learn Dare

RE & Collective Worship Policies

Daily Collective Worship gives participants the opportunity to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences. It also gives them the confidence to express their thoughts, views, ideas and feelings through a creative network such as celebrating their learning and achievements, special days, places and people, charity and sporting events, singing, sharing a variety of books, stories and prayers.

To fulfil a cross-curricular and balanced curriculum, our RE scheme of work follows the themes in the Locally Agreed Syllabus.  Every child has the opportunity to learn more about Christianity, world religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and other value systems to explore and build on their awareness, knowlege and understanding.


We value the teaching of RE since it enables individuals to reflect deeply on their experiences and gives them purpose to their lives at the same time nurturing an awareness and appreciation of all people in our pluralist society.
