
Hook Norton C of E

Primary School

Live Love Care Think Learn Dare

Physical Education


At Hook Norton Primary School we aim to provide a wide range of high quality Physical Education, school sport and physical activities to engage all children and give them a LOVE of being physically active. Being active is an important factor in regards to children’s health and well-being, both mentally and physically, so we encourage our children to work on CARING  for themselves in this way.

We deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities so our children LEARN a range of fundamental skills which they can then apply in different physical activities. As well as encouraging good levels of overall fitness, health and emotional well being.

We aim for all our children to have a keen interest in physical activity and a willingness to participate in a variety of well planned activities. We provide them with many different opportunities to become physically confident and encourage them to DARE  trying new activities on offer. It is our aim to inspire our pupils to be involved in healthy physical activities including competitive sport, non-competitive sport and other activities to help build character and embed our school values. Children will also learn how to collaborate with one another and work effectively as part of a team, understanding fairness, rules and sporting values.

Through all of this we aim to develop our children’s Physical Literacy, so children leave here to LIVE an active lifestyle that they will continue to THINK about, value and pursue throughout their whole lifetime.


PE ~ Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every child participates and enjoys being physical active in PE lessons. Every class has two PE lessons each week, the focus of which is shown on the attached Curriculum Map. In our REAL PE lesson we work on developing the multi-ability skills of personal LIVE , social LOVE, health & fitness CARE, cognitive THINK , physical LEARN and creative DARE and the fundamental movement skills of agility, balance and co-ordination. These key skills are repeated throughout the year groups with a progression in them as children move through the school. These lessons are usually taught by class teachers. Then we apply what they have learnt across different sports and activities including games, dance, gymnastics and athletics in our other PE lesson. These lessons are usually taught by a sports specialist who works alongside class teachers to deliver the PE curriculum. Children in Key Stage 2 have swimming lessons in Year 3, 4 and 5 at a local pool. If they have not reached the National Curriculum standard by the end of Year 5 they will be offered additional sessions in Year 6. Children also get the opportunity to participate in week long residentials in Year 5 and Year 6, where they experience a range of outdoor and adventurous activities. We provide spare PE kits in school to ensure all children participate in every lesson. Any child who is physically unable to take an active part in a lesson (e.g. broken leg) still participates in some way, for example by taking photos, umpiring, keeping score, looking out for good examples… 

School Sport ~ We have an Intra School Competition in PE lessons at the end of each term. Children compete in their school colour teams and everyone participates. All children participate in whole school sports days at the end of the year, which gives us the opportunity to showcase our developing PE skills to parents and carers. We are also part of Chipping Norton Partnership of Schools. All children from Year 1-6 get opportunities to attend Inter-School partnership events. Some are whole class festivals and some are selected team competitions. We ensure all our children have the opportunity to represent the school at these events at least once every year during their time here and several opportunities in Year 5 and 6.

Physical Activity ~ We are supporting the 60 active minutes a day target for every child in our school. We have committed to providing 30 active minutes a day in school for every child in every class through our Give Me 5, 10, 15 Initiative. Through this teachers plan at least 5 high intensity, 10 medium intensity and 15 low intensity minutes of activity into other curriculum lessons on days where there is not a PE lesson. Alongside this there are many additional opportunities for children to be physically active throughout the day. We have active playtimes using a wide selection of equipment including our adventure playground, bouldering wall, sports wall, running track, field, tree belt, playground markings and play equipment (much of which has been supported by funding from FOHNS). The Year 6 Play Leaders encourage children by organising activities. We have a wide range of Extra-curricular Clubs available to attend each term and support is available for families to ensure all children can attend. We have strong links with local clubs and staff signpost by providing information about where children can take their interests further. Those children who do not participate in any organised activity in/out of school beyond school PE lessons are offered a place in our funded, invitation only, Get Active Club in Key Stage 2. This encourages them to try a range of different activities in a safe, fun, friendly and low pressure environment.


We ensure that all our children receive the essential skills and knowledge to LIVE a happy and healthy life and make good choices using all they LEARN. We use the PE and Sports Premium effectively to ensure our children are well equipped, having developed a LOVE of exercise and keeping fit and understand the need to CARE  for their physical and mental wellbeing. Our children DARE to try new thing and to challenge and stretch themselves to achieve their best. In pupil consultations children are able to explain how important they THINK  being physically active is and why.

Children say they enjoy the range of activities covered in school PE lessons, school sport and physical activity and feel involved in the decisions made about these areas. All children participate in a range of intra-school sport opportunities over the year (100% of children present in school on the day) and we have the highest levels of participation in inter-school sport opportunities in the Chipping Norton Partnership of Schools across the 10 schools involved. Nearly all of our children leave us having achieved the Key Stage 2 swimming standards which are vital, life-saving skills. All children have the opportunity to reach the 30 active minutes in school target set by the government every day and most exceed this most days. We have high levels of children who participate in physical activity beyond PE lessons through either school extra-curricular clubs, activity with their families or organised sport/activity beyond the school day. We monitor children who don’t take these opportunities beyond the school PE lessons and have a high percentage take up of targeted places offered in our Get Active Club and then transition to joining a club or activity independently.

We have physically literate children who have the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to stay engaged in physical activity for life.
