
Hook Norton C of E

Primary School

Live Love Care Think Learn Dare

Speaking and Listening



We seek to develop the highest levels of oracy and listening skills in our children. We teach them to listen well, with respect and care. We aim for our children to develop into active listeners who develop their visualisation skills, subsequently enhancing their imagination and supporting their reading and writing skills.


We achieve this from the earliest stages in school by creating a language rich environment where staff talk with the children and model effective communication in all interactions. We develop vocabulary in every area of our curriculum. We develop children’s vocabulary through talk and plenty of it! We provide children with opportunities to use language appropriately and explore the rich wealth of vocabulary provided through role-play, storytelling, poetry and high quality literature.

We encourage parents to read to their children daily. In order for children to develop their vocabulary, they need to have access to high quality texts which are read to them, discussed and promote a greater extensive vocabulary, wisdom and a deeper understanding of texts. Teachers read aloud daily and explore intonation, expression and word meanings.

Pupil voice is an integral feature of learning and we seek to develop personal independence, trust and leadership through providing a variety of opportunities such as School Council, Eco Council, Class Assemblies and performances.


Through our exciting and engaging curriculum, we encourage our children to communicate their thoughts and ideas. Our children enjoy recalling, questioning and exploring information and are able to communicate their ideas and thoughts clearly, developing an awareness of their audience and maintaining positive body language.
